You are what you eat & drink


Some great ideas for squash and pumpkins


A few weeks ago I purchased “all the squash.” I wanted to do something fun with each of them, and I think I accomplished just that. Below are the random creations I came up with for five different types of squash. I don’t have recipe measurements because I usually just throw things together, but this will give you an idea of different flavor combinations to experiment with!IMG_3039-0You’ll see I used the outer “shell” of each squash as my bowl. Eating directly out of the squash shell is almost more fun than tormenting small children. Almost.

Spaghetti Squash

Named for its string like consistency, this squash is a fun substitute for noodles.


In the mix: olive oil, nutritional yeast, pepper, jalapenos, broccoli and cauliflower.


Butternut Squash

The squash with a funny name and an equally funny shape. Borderline inappropriate for both…


In the mix: Sauteed kale, cubed/roasted butternut squash, cranberries, cashews, olive…

View original post 219 more words

2 responses

  1. Thanks for the reblog! 🙂


    November 3, 2014 at 11:47 am

    • >Brittany, my pleasure. As soon as I saw that first image, I knew it had to be done. 🙂



      November 3, 2014 at 11:58 am

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